Festival of Quilts 2010 Day 3

Its always interesting to see at the Festival of Quilts how many people stay for several days. By Saturday (Day 3) some faces were becoming remarkable familiar. Groups of Danes and French ladies in particular come to mind. My French was tested on a number of occasions - fortunately a combination of sign language and a few key "quilting" terms usually gets me by!

Seeing so many amazing quilts and fabrics every day you can't help but be struck by colour. I
walked past Diana and Sandy and thought how co-ordinated they were with each other and their background of Creative Comfort Gloves!

Nikki has worked during the summer holidays at The Cotton Patch for the past seven years and studies engineering at University - here she is with Chad from HandiQuilter in front of Marti Michell's Block of the Month Program - American Beauty.


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