7 Quilts in one Year...

After a period of not quilting for a while, one of our customers, Louise, completed 7 quilts in one year. This was quite a prolific feat and one that we were very impressed by (we won't say what the average number of UFO's is for most of us here but you can probably imagine how difficult it is when temptation is continutally being presented...).

Louise gave us some background to the quilt shown here.

"The fabrics were chosen by my daughter and myself from the 2007 range. I did the design in the style that Elizabeth wanted. She had the idea of the cascade of hearts in the outer 'round'.
The quilt was made quilt as you go in strips that formed the 4 sides, after the central 9 blocks which were quilted in one go. It is hand quilted and the whorls follow the basic design on the background and other fabrics.
Fortunately she loves it and so far has remembered to fold it back when sitting on her bed during the day ( she is a university student)"
Thank you to Louise for sending us the picture and sharing it with us.


Angela said…
Louise is my sister so you may think me biased but I have seen this quilt evolve photo by photo and the work that has gone into it, hand sewn beads and hand quilting, I have seen the other quilts she has made all off her own bat and I salute her, she is amazing. I live in Australia and am lucky enough to have a quilt shop not too far away where I do classes for quilt making, it is my obsession too. Louise does not have this privilage living as she does in a very small town, she does amazing work, and she is not as young as some of us might be. so take heart fellow quilters and keep on quilting.
BizzieLizzie said…
Dear Angela
Thanks so much for your post - its great to hear that you're both into quilting although so many miles apart. We have quite a few customers in Australia and have a large number of customers who subscribe to the Australian quilting magazines - its great how much smaller the world is made with ideas flying around the globe!

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