Better than Belgian Chocolates...!

We hope that customers have recently received their copy of our latest Newsletter in the post over the past few weeks. The phone hasn't stopped ringing since it started arriving and we have had lots of positive feedback about the newsletter including the email below.

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 22 Nov 2007 13:35:44.0525

Just received my latest newsletter and I had to email to say Wow! I enjoyed it more than a box of Belgian choccies. Well Done!!! to all concerned - now .... how to choose!!

...although some of us here would still rather have the Belgian chocolates to help us process all the orders!

A 62-page newsletter is quite a bit of work to put together (especially for Nik who does most of the writing, editing, scanning, assembling, graphics, creative stuff, plus plays a big part in choosing the fabrics...the list goes on) so we hope you all enjoy it as much as this particular customer.


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