How You Can Join In #WorldCraftWeek

What is World Craft Week?

A week dedicated to celebrating knitters and needleworkers, patchworkers and papercrafters, sewers and seamstresses, designers and doodlers. A week dedicated to celebrating YOU!

World craft week is a chance to connect with a whole bunch of crafters from around the world and secretly discover what they really, really like best. 

It will be the space to showcase super-creative designers, innovative ideas, hidden talent, unsung craft heros, inspirational bloggers and share your secret craft crush A place to find new craft friends, perhaps a crafting buddy in the same town or a social crafting butterfly to craft with in cybercraftspace! 

Join In!

Head over to the World Craft Week facebook page and download the digital magazine with 25 craft projects inside, plus you can also join in with their craft challenge, details of which they will be revealing on Friday.

What We're Making

We are celebrating Word Craft Week with #WhatWe'reMaking - each day one of our lovely staff will be showing you what project they're working on and sharing some insights into their crafty lives. We hope you will show them some love <3

The Cotton Patch is first and foremost a beautiful community of like-minded creators, and each day we will be asking you for your thoughts on the crafty world, such as your favourite designer or biggest inspiration. Make sure to share your thoughts!

Win Win Win!

In the spirit of caring and sharing for World Craft Week, we will be running a Sweepstake giveaway at the end of the week, so make sure you like our Facebook page to keep updated.

We are super excited to have a whole week of appreciating all things crafty. Jump on to facebook now to join the WorldCraftWeek page and Like The Cotton Patch to be involved!


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