Highlight on Wonderfil 50 weight Cotton Threads - Tutti and Konfetti

Thread Highlight - Konfetti™ & Tutti

WonderFil manufactures these 3 ply threads from extra long staple Egyptian cotton. These threads are mercerized and double gassed. 

The Mercerizing process creates more lustre in the thread as well as giving the ability to absorb more dye.  The results are beautifully vibrant and bright thread colours. 

The process of Double Gassing burns off the little fibers that stick out from the thread.  WonderFil double gasses the cotton thread, which means that the threads are passed through a flame (or electrical current) and 80% of the hairs are burnt off.  The thread is then gassed again and 80% of the remaining hairs are burnt off.  This results in a very low lint cotton thread.  

Konfetti & Tutti™ are WonderFil's 50wt cotton threads. There are 60 colours available in the solid Konfetti™ thread.  There are 41 colours available in the variegated Tutti™ thread. That's a lot of colours to choose for you next project.

The threads are available from The Cotton Patch in 1000m (1093yd) spools. We also have Shade Cards if you would rather have the real thread to compare to.

Wonderfil Shade Card Konfetti

Tutti Shade Card


The variegated Tutti™ thread is random dyed.  The colour changes are not equal.  This creates some truly unique threads.  Look at the variety of variegation in the threads.

Here are some ideas of how you can use these 50wt threads.

Machine Applique

Free Motion Machine Quilting 

Chain Stitch embellishing on a serger

Machine Embroidery 
tutti stitch

These are some of our favourite threads - we hope that you will enjoy them too!


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