The Cotton Patch on the BBC News

We weren't sure if it was really going to happen or not, but it did! We were asked by the BBC to comment on the increase in cotton prices and the effects on our business. We did an interview at the Cotton Patch Studio and Shop for the 6 O'clock News on the BBC which was aired on the 22nd March 2011.
It featured Liz Holpin from the Cotton Patch using the Handi Quilter Avante 18 and a short interview on the effects of increased cotton prices on the business as well as a Bloomberg Cotton prices graph traced using the laser light onto a quilt using the Handi Quilter Avante 18!

You can see more photos on our new Facebook page here.

The Cotton Patch

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Susan said…
I saw you on the news last night - great ad for quilting!
BizzieLizzie said…
It was great that they included the bit with using the Handi Quilter and it was great fun doing the Bloomberg graph.

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