Amy Butler Gum Drop Pillows Sewathon

Ellie is off to her first year of University this weekend so with Gum Drop Pillows pattern and Amy's Nigella wider furnishing fabric in hand she came over to my house last night and we had a Sewathon.
Amy had said it was a good pattern to do because it is quick and she was right - from start to finish (but not stuffed) took us 2 1/2 hours.

This included showing Ellie how to use the sewing machine, rotary cutting out the pieces and pinning them together. Oh, and plus a bit of time unjamming the machine (fortunately I didn't ban Ellie at this point, unlike her experience at school when having created a birds nest in the bobbin case she was banned from using the sewing machines ever again - not a very positive experience!)

Ellie did really well, even without much experience of sewing - the pattern is pretty easy to follow, the tricky bit of aligning the intersection of eight pieces at the top of the pillow is covered by an octahedron which is top-stitched in place (hiding any unsightly joins, ahem). The sewing is mostly straight stitching. I just did the more tricky sewing the two halves together bits but she did most of the rest.

Ellie went home to stuff it - Amy recommended bulking out the stuffing with plastic bags and then using soft polyester filler around the edges - you do need quite a lot of filler otherwise - I thought this was a great use for old bags!
I would definitely recommend it as a good project to get someone into sewing - and you get to sit on it when you're done!