Newsflash - Ricky Tims at The Cotton Patch!

Further details of the timings of the book signings will be posted on our stand on E20.
Ricky is well-known as both musician and quilter and together with Alex Anderson co-hosts the popular online TV show - The Quilt Show.
To quote from his website
"Ricky Tims has successfully blended two diverse passions into one very unique and interesting career. His skills as a pianist, composer and producer have been evident by the thousands who have heard his music. His success as a quilter is equally significant. He is known in the international world of quilting as an enthusiastic and encouraging teacher, an award-winning quilter, and a talented and spellbinding speaker. His innovative and entertaining presentations, feature live music and humor combined with scholarly insights and wisdom. His quilts have been displayed worldwide, and are highly regarded as excellent examples of contemporary quilts with traditional appeal."

Ricky has an exhibition of his quilts at the Festival of Quilts and will also be performing on the Friday night at the Birmingham Metropole Hotel at the NEC which we're very much looking forward to although apparently his entrance won't necessarily have the impact of his foray onto the stage in Paducah accompanied by much dry ice and riding his Harley!

Along with his best-selling book "Convergence Quilts", we also have "Rhapsody Quilts" plus the follow-up books to Rhapsody Quilts - "Feathers and Urns" and "Baskets and Flowers". For more details on these books, his DVDs and his newest products the extra-wide freezer paper please visit our website.
You can listen to his music ahead of the show by following this link.
For more details of the Festival of Quilts and to check on availability for Ricky's talksand workshops please visit the Twisted Thread site.