The First Orphan Block!

Joy from Project Linus popped into the shop this afternoon with the Orphan Block Box. Following on from our previous post you can now bring any orphan blocks - poor, destitute, unwanted (but still loved of course) blocks into the shop that you know will find a better home with Project Linus. The Ophan Block Box is on the counter and accepting deliveries (we're wondering based on our own experience if it will be big enough!).

I scouted round the building and in one of Margaret's drawers we found a test block (testing out the YLI silk thread from ages ago) - a prime candidate and first entry into the Ophan Block Box. May there be many more!

Project Linus Orphan Box

So, next time you're planning a visit to The Cotton Patch - why not have a sort out of your drawers and see if you have any blocks that could be donated and given a new lease of life in a Linus quilt!


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