The UFO has landed

We've talked on this blog about UFO's before but usually in the context of our customers. Well just to let you know all of our customers with UFO's are in good company - one of our long-serving members of staff has just completed a quilt that was started 7 years ago!

During that time she has learnt many time-saving new techniques including machine applique after doing a course with Harriet Hargrave on invisible machine applique (Mastering Machine Applique Ref 1573) but at the end of the day hand quilting does take time (especially when you are constantly surrounded by new fabrics and inspiring projects...I mean how hard is that!?!).

When she first started at the Cotton Patch she was mainly a dress-maker, but gradually she did more and more patchwork and is now proficient in many aspects of patchwork, quilting and applique and has a great knowledge of the many books on the subject.

Congratulations on finishing the quilt - and did you think you could bring it in and it not go on the Cotton Patch blog?


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