Cows Quilt by Rachels of Greenfield

Sylvia commented "I ordered a Cows wallhanging kit from you in July and thought you might like to see the finished product hanging on my kitchen wall (the quilting was done while I was on holiday in Canada). I enjoyed making it, and am pleased with the way it has turned out."
Sylvia is not the first one to finish a small quilt like this on holiday - the good thing about the Rachel's kits is that they are very portable as everything you need is in the kit apart from needle and thread. They also make very nice gifts if you're wondering what to give your special quilting friend for Christmas!
The design is by Rachel Pellman of Rachel's of Greenfield. She and her husband Kenny have been involved in patchwork and quilting for most of their lives as they are both members of the Mennonite community which originated in Germany and is (as I understand it) a branch of the

Rachel has authored and co-authored numerous books including Amish Wall Quilts, The World of Amish Quilts, A Treasury of Amish Quilts and Tips for Quilters. She has spent many hours in Amish homes learning the stories of Amish women, the histories of their quilts, and current trends in Amish quiltmaking.
Rachel grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the youngest in a family of ten children. She graduated from Eastern Mennonite University with a degree in Home Economics education. She and Kenny are the parents of two sons, live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and are members of Rossmere Mennonite Church.
When we go to Quilt Market in the Fall we always make a point of saying hi to Kenny and Rachel to see what new kits have been developed - all the kits and patterns that we supply from Rachel are on our website.